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What does accessibility mean to you?

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Accessibility is at the heart of many businesses and foundations, but what does being accessible mean exactly? Some people may believe that being accessible means having a wheelchair ramp or elevator. Others may believe it may be giving extended time to students with learning disabilities. Yes, it does mean these two things but that is not an all-inclusive list. Accessibility at our foundation takes the face of our volunteers working unpaid hours to create a video game featuring a cop named Jessie. Accessibility is Jessie not being looked down upon for being a war vet. Accessibility is us providing audio versions of this post for our visually impaired friends. In my daycare working days, I had a training about availability vs accessibility in the terms of an early childcare environment. The term availability meant what was available in the room, toys, bleach, poison (just kidding!) cots and clothes. Accessibility was what the children had access to, toys, books, totally not poison.

What does this anecdote mean for you?  Well, we have an opportunity and request for you. We have a survey helping us make our video game, changed,  accessible to more groups of people. If  you are not familiar with our main character, Jessie,  he is a war vet who is also a cop. Our game shows his struggles and victories, and his journey.  You can help us make our game more accessible for people with disabilities. Your small sacrifice of time can make a big difference.

YOU can make a change!

Survey link: